Kamis, 20 Juli 2017

Télécharger Linux Forensics (English Edition) PDF Livre eBook France

Télécharger Linux Forensics (English Edition) PDF Livre eBook France

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Linux Forensics (English Edition) par Philip Polstra ont été vendues pour chaque exemplaire. Le livre publié par Pentester Academy. Il contient 370 pages et classé dans le genre Subjects. Ce livre a une bonne réponse du lecteur, il a la cote 3 des lecteurs 440. Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour accéder à des milliers de livres disponibles pour téléchargement gratuit. L'inscription était gratuite.

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Description du livre Linux Forensics (English Edition) : Linux Forensics is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource for those wishing to quickly and efficiently perform forensicson Linux systems. It is also a great asset for anyone that would like to better understand Linux internals. Linux Forensics will guide you step by step through the process of investigating a computer running Linux. Everything you need to know from the moment you receive the call from someone who thinks they have been attacked until the final report is written is covered in this book. All of the tools discussed in this book are free and most are also open source.Dr. Philip Polstra shows how to leverage numerous tools such as Python, shell scripting, and MySQL to quickly, easily, and accurately analyze Linux systems. While readers will have a strong grasp of Python and shell scripting by the time they complete this book, no priorknowledge of either of these scripting languages is assumed. Linux Forensics begins by showing you how to determine if there was an incident with minimally invasive techniques. Once it appears likely that an incident has occurred, Dr. Polstra shows you how to collect data from a live system before shutting it down for the creation of filesystem images. Linux Forensics contains extensive coverage of Linux ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems. A large collection of Python and shell scripts for creating, mounting, and analyzing filesystem images are presented in this book. Dr. Polstra introduces readers to the exciting new field of memory analysis using the Volatility framework. Discussions of advanced attacks and malware analysis round out the book.Book Highlights370 pages in large, easy-to-read 8.5 x 11 inch formatOver 9000 lines of Python scripts with explanationsOver 800 lines of shell scripts with explanationsA 102 page chapter containing up-to-date information on the ext4 filesystemTwo scenarios described in detail with images available from the book websiteAll scripts and other support files are available from the book websiteChapter ContentsFirst Steps General PrinciplesPhases of InvestigationHigh-level ProcessBuilding a ToolkitDetermining If There Was an IncidentOpening a CaseTalking to UsersDocumenationMounting Known-good BinariesMinimizing Disturbance to the SubjectAutomation With ScriptingLive AnalysisGetting MetadataUsing SpreadsheetsGetting Command HistoriesGetting LogsUsing HashesDumping RAMCreating ImagesShutting Down the SystemImage FormatsDDDCFLDDWrite BlockingImaging Virtual MachinesImaging Physical DrivesMounting ImagesMaster Boot Record Based PartionsGUID Partition TablesMounting Partitions In LinuxAutomating With PythonAnalyzing Mounted ImagesGetting TimestampsUsing LibreOfficeUsing MySQLCreating TimelinesExtended FilesystemsBasicsSuperblocksFeaturesUsing PythonFinding Things That Are Out Of PlaceInodesJournalingMemory AnalysisVolatilityCreating ProfilesLinux CommandsDealing With More Advanced AttackersMalwareIs It Malware?Malware Analysis ToolsStatic AnalysisDynamic AnalysisObfuscationThe Road AheadLearning MoreCommunitiesConferencesCertifications.

Le Titre Du Livre : Linux Forensics (English Edition)

Nom de fichier : linux-forensics-english-edition.pdf

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